knjiga / book : "Genuine Origami"
autor / author : Jun Maekawa
izdavač / publisher : English tex., Japan Publication Trading Co., Ltd., 2008
jezik / language : Engleski / English

Ponovo sam pravila ovaj model jer mi se stvarno dopada i zato što divno izgleda kada se koristi dvobojan papir (u ovom slučaju sa šarom na jednoj strani). Brzo sam ostala bez nje jer sam je poklonila jednoj veoma pozitivnoj i kreativnoj osobi. Nadam se da joj se svidela.
Inače, model nije previše težak, mada ima nekoliko koraka koji iziskivaju pažnju i koncentraciju. Srećom, uputstva u knjizi su odlična tako da problema nije bilo.
I have folded this piece once again because I really like it and because it looks fabulous when made of two-sided patterned paper. I had to part with it as soon as I finished folding it because it was a gift for one very positive and creative person. I hope she liked it.
By the by, the model itself is not too difficult, although there are few points that require close attention and concentration. Luckily, the instructions in the book are excellent, so there was no problem to complete the work.
Ponovo sam pravila ovaj model jer mi se stvarno dopada i zato što divno izgleda kada se koristi dvobojan papir (u ovom slučaju sa šarom na jednoj strani). Brzo sam ostala bez nje jer sam je poklonila jednoj veoma pozitivnoj i kreativnoj osobi. Nadam se da joj se svidela.
Inače, model nije previše težak, mada ima nekoliko koraka koji iziskivaju pažnju i koncentraciju. Srećom, uputstva u knjizi su odlična tako da problema nije bilo.
I have folded this piece once again because I really like it and because it looks fabulous when made of two-sided patterned paper. I had to part with it as soon as I finished folding it because it was a gift for one very positive and creative person. I hope she liked it.
By the by, the model itself is not too difficult, although there are few points that require close attention and concentration. Luckily, the instructions in the book are excellent, so there was no problem to complete the work.