autor / author : Tomoko Fuse
Prelep model koji koristi tradicionalne zdralove na originalan nacin. Mozete napraviti razne kombinacije boja i svaki put ce izgledati odlicno.
This is a wonderful model that uses cranes in an original way. It allows you to make your own colour combinations and it looks great each time.
Dobrodošli / Welcome
Dobrodošli na moj origami sajt, na novoj lokaciji i u novom formatu. Sav materijal sa starog sajta još uvek nije prebačen, ali najnoviji materijal je ovde i nadam se da ćete u svakom slučaju naći nešto zanimljivo. Uživajte!
Welcome to my origami site, now in a new location and in a new format. All data and pictures from the old web site have not been transfered yet, but the newest material is here and I hope that you will find something interesing nonetheless. Enjoy!
Welcome to my origami site, now in a new location and in a new format. All data and pictures from the old web site have not been transfered yet, but the newest material is here and I hope that you will find something interesing nonetheless. Enjoy!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Cinija / Dish - tradicionalni model / traditional
knjiga / book : "Discover origami"
autor / author : Rick Beech
izdavac / publisher : Hamlyn, 1995
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Kod ove cinije mi se svidja njen oblik i, kao sto mozete da vidite, ja je koristim da u njoj drzim osuseno cvece tj. potpuri.
Dish is a traditional model I found in Rick Beech's book "Discover Origami". I love its shape and, as you can see, I use it for my potpoury.
knjiga / book : "Discover origami"
autor / author : Rick Beech
izdavac / publisher : Hamlyn, 1995
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Kod ove cinije mi se svidja njen oblik i, kao sto mozete da vidite, ja je koristim da u njoj drzim osuseno cvece tj. potpuri.
Dish is a traditional model I found in Rick Beech's book "Discover Origami". I love its shape and, as you can see, I use it for my potpoury.
3-1-1 zarubljeni tetraedar / 3-1-1 Truncated Tetrahedron - Benett Arnstein
knjiga / book : "Multimodular Origami Polyhedra: Archimedeans, Buckyballs, and Duality"
autori / authors : Rona Gurkewitz, Bennett Arnstein
izdavač / publisher : Dover Publications, Inc. 2003
jezik / language : Engleski / English
I love this book and this is the first model I have made from it.
knjiga / book : "Multimodular Origami Polyhedra: Archimedeans, Buckyballs, and Duality"
autori / authors : Rona Gurkewitz, Bennett Arnstein
izdavač / publisher : Dover Publications, Inc. 2003
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Ovo je odlična knjiga, i evo prvog modela kojeg sam iz nje napravila..
I love this book and this is the first model I have made from it.
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