Dobrodošli / Welcome

Dobrodošli na moj origami sajt, na novoj lokaciji i u novom formatu. Sav materijal sa starog sajta još uvek nije prebačen, ali najnoviji materijal je ovde i nadam se da ćete u svakom slučaju naći nešto zanimljivo. Uživajte!
Welcome to my origami site, now in a new location and in a new format. All data and pictures from the old web site have not been transfered yet, but the newest material is here and I hope that you will find something interesing nonetheless. Enjoy!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Kutija-cvet / Flower-box / Caja-flor - Victoria Babinsky

sajt / web site : Origami Modular
link :
autor / author : Victoria Babinsky
jezik / language : Spanski, Engleski / Spanish, English
Ovo je veoma sladak model kutije koja podseca na cvet od Viktorije Babinski.
This is a very cute flower-box by Victoria Babinsky.

Vrtlog dodekaedar / Whirl Dodecahedron - Meenakshi Mukerji

knjiga / book : "Marvelous Modular Origami"
autor / author : Meenakshi Mukerjii
zdavač / publisher : A K Peters, Ltd. 2007
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Vrtlog dodekaedar je veoma dekorativan model sastavljen od 30 modula koji se savršeno spajaju. Upravo zbog toga, on zahteva strpljenje i preciznost.
Whirl Dodecahedron is a highly decorative 30-units assembly of modules that lock perfectly. Consequently, folding this model requires patience and precission.

Sonobe varijacija / Sonobe Variation - Victoria Babinsky

sajt / web site : Origami Modular
link :
autor / author : Victoria Babinsky
jezik / language : Španski, Engleski / Spanish, English
Još jedna interesantna Sonobe varijacija. Na slici su prikazani modeli od 12 modula: jedan sa običnim a drugi sa obrnutim bojenjem.
Another interesting Sonobe variation. Here are two 12-units assemblies: one in regular and one in reverse colouring.