Up to that point my effort to find origami supplies in an unfamiliar shopping center, in a foreign country, had been in wain (whenever I travel somewhere, I like to try to buy some origami supplies, both paper and books, 'cause language is not such an obstacle when it comes to origami books, and the odds are that the offer there will surely be better than at home where hardly any origami supplies are available).
From somewhere behind the counter emerged a grumpy lady, whom I've obviously distracted in eating her dinner. Still chewing, she greeted me, but her expression was unfriendly, slightly hostile even. But that expression was quickly transformed into bewilderment after I've asked her whether they sell origami paper: "Oregano paper? Nooo, I don't think we do." - " But, no, no, ORIGAMI paper.", I replied. This time I did my best to say the words clearly, although I was sure that I've said them clearly the first time too. After that, there was a pause, in which one could see on her face that she was struggling hard to get my meaning. She was obviously becoming more and more puzzled, so I've tried to explain: "Origami, you know, paper folding...?" But my try was in wain because her stare remained blank. She turned for help to someone still hidden behind the counter (I guess the other clerk was eating her or his dinner too) and asked "Do we have origami paper?" The answer, or rather the gesticulation, must have been negative because she turned to me and said: "No, we don't".
By that time it was more than clear that my luck in finding what I was looking for was not going to change, but I was not willing to let it go that easily: "OK, but do you perhaps have some origami books?"
Well, you can guess what the answer was...

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