Dobrodošli / Welcome

Dobrodošli na moj origami sajt, na novoj lokaciji i u novom formatu. Sav materijal sa starog sajta još uvek nije prebačen, ali najnoviji materijal je ovde i nadam se da ćete u svakom slučaju naći nešto zanimljivo. Uživajte!
Welcome to my origami site, now in a new location and in a new format. All data and pictures from the old web site have not been transfered yet, but the newest material is here and I hope that you will find something interesing nonetheless. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Kusudama - tradicionalni model / traditional

knjiga / book : "The origami handbook"
autor / author : Rick Beech
izdavac / publisher : Anness Publishing Limited, 2001
jezik / language : Engleski / English


Kod ove kusudane nije teško napraviti module, ali je užasno teško sastaviti model. Dok sam pokušavala da ga složim nekoliko puta sam pomislila da nikad neću uspeti, ali ipak jesam i rezultat je stvarno bio vredan truda. Čak i kada se napravi od najobičnijeg papira izgleda fantastično!
This is a kusudama found in Rick Beech's "Origami Handbook". Although the modules are easy to fold, the model is awfully difficult to assemble. More than once I thought that I will never manage it, but I did and the result is so revarding. Even when made from the plainest of papers, it looks amazing!

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