knjiga / book : "Marvelous modular origami"
autor / author : Meenakshi Mukerji
izdavač / publisher : A K Peters, Ltd. 2007
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Dugo nisam radila origami a imala sam divan tufnasti dvostrani papir od Rayher-a koji nisam mogla da dočekam da iskoristim. Prvi model koji mi je pao na pamet, onako za zagrevanje, je ova snegom pokrivena sonoba iz knjige "Marvelous modular origami". Već sam je ranije pravila, ali ne u ovakvom izdanju.
It has been a long time since I folded some origami, and I had this gorgeous dotted origami paper by Rayher that I was just dying to try out. The first model that came to my mind, to warm up my folding fingers, was this Snow Caped Sonobe from "Marvelous modular origami". I have folded this modela before, but not in this design.
Htela sam neki dvostrani modularni model pa da se poigram kada je šara sa gornje ili donje strane papira. Rezultati su tu, vi prosudite koji vam se više dopada.
I was going for a model that features both sides of the paper because I wanted to test how the same model will look like with different sides of paper up or down. These are the results, you can judge for yourself which one you like best.
Knjigu u kojoj se nalazi dijagram za ovaj model možete naći na Amazonu:
Find the book that contains the diagram to this model on Amazon:
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