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Dobrodošli na moj origami sajt, na novoj lokaciji i u novom formatu. Sav materijal sa starog sajta još uvek nije prebačen, ali najnoviji materijal je ovde i nadam se da ćete u svakom slučaju naći nešto zanimljivo. Uživajte!
Welcome to my origami site, now in a new location and in a new format. All data and pictures from the old web site have not been transfered yet, but the newest material is here and I hope that you will find something interesing nonetheless. Enjoy!

Monday, April 18, 2016

"Fake" Bromeliad / "Lažne" Bromelije / Bromelias - Isa Klein

web site / sajt : Diagramas and Cia.
link :
author / autor : Isa Klein
language / jezik : Portuguese / Portugalski

A month ago I have posted about Bromeliad by Isa Klein, but actually, that was not my first take on this kusudama. First time I've folded it, I've ended up with a model I like to call the "fake" Bromeliad. It is what one gets when omitting to read the instructions on how to connect the modules. :)
I was thinking, OK, this is a sonobe-like modules, so I'll just put the modules together in the sonobe-like fashion. So, instead of gluing the flaps underneath next module and being able to make the kusudama "bloom", I have nicely brought the flaps over and into the pocket of the next module. The resulting ball is certainly not the Bromeliad ball, but the modules are the same, hence: "fake" Bromeliad. This is now it looks:

"Fake" Bromeliad kusudama - a ball made of Bromeliad modules assembled as a regular sonobe ball.

Pre mesec dana objavila sam post o Bromelijama Ise Klajn, ali to nije bio prvi put da sam pravila tu kusudamu. Prvi put sam napravila nešto što sam prozvala "lažna" Bromelija, a to je ono što se dobije kada ne čitaš uputstvo kako se moduli sklapaju. :)
Vodila sam se logikom, kako svaka sonoba, tako i ova (pošto je modul definitivno iz sonobe familije), pa sam umesto lepljenja sa donje strane i ostavljanja mesta za rasvetavanje lopte, uredno složila module ubacujući krilca u džepiće sa prednje strane. Ono što se dobije nije Bromelija, ali modul je isti, dakle: "lažna" Bromelija. Ovako to izgleda:

Flowers + ball = flowerball i.e. kusudama?

Since this is not a model from a book, here are some ideas for kusudama origami.
Pošto ovo nije model iz knjige, evo par ideja na temu kusudama.

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