Dobrodošli / Welcome

Dobrodošli na moj origami sajt, na novoj lokaciji i u novom formatu. Sav materijal sa starog sajta još uvek nije prebačen, ali najnoviji materijal je ovde i nadam se da ćete u svakom slučaju naći nešto zanimljivo. Uživajte!
Welcome to my origami site, now in a new location and in a new format. All data and pictures from the old web site have not been transfered yet, but the newest material is here and I hope that you will find something interesing nonetheless. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Porodično druženje uz origami / Origami family time

ko / who: my sister, my aunt and myself
prilika / occasion: spreading the love for origami :)
gde / where: Novi Sad, Srbija / Serbia
modeli / models: Ždral / Crane (tradicionalni model / traditional), Nindža zvezda - Šuriken / Ninja star - Shuriken (tradicionalni model / traditional), venac od 8 Elektra modula / wrath made of 8 Electra modules (David Mitchell), Zvezda sa 8 krakova / 8-rayed star / 8 Strahliger Stern (Carmen Sprung)
Konačno se ostvarila želja moje sestre da održimo mini radionicu za našu tetku kreativku. Ovo su bili njeni prvi koraci u origamiju, ali zato veoma uspešni u šta nismo ni sumnjale. Uz moju sestru u ulozi instruktora, i ja sam po prvi put napravila neke od ovih modela. Prijatna muzika, opuštena atmosfera i šareni papirići, čini se da su pravi recept da se zaboravi na brige. Pokazalo se da je origami prava stvar za hladne zimske večeri.
My sister has finally got her wish to have a mini origami workshop with our creatively oriented aunt. These were her first steps in origami, jet very successful ones - just as we have anticipated. With my sister as an instructor, I too have folded some of these models for the first time. Fine music, relaxed atmosphere and colourful papers seem to be the recipe to forget all one's worries. It turns out that origami is a great past time for cold winter evenings.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kutija sa pregradama / Partitioned box - Jun Maekawa

knjiga / book : "Genuine Origami"
autor / author : Jun Maekawa

izdavač / publisher : English tex., Japan Publication Trading Co., Ltd., 2008
jezik / language : Engleski / English

Ponovo sam pravila ovaj model jer mi se stvarno dopada i zato što divno izgleda kada se koristi dvobojan papir (u ovom slučaju sa šarom na jednoj strani). Brzo sam ostala bez nje jer sam je poklonila jednoj veoma pozitivnoj i kreativnoj osobi. Nadam se da joj se svidela.
Inače, model nije previše težak, mada ima nekoliko koraka koji iziskivaju pažnju i koncentraciju. Srećom, uputstva u knjizi su odlična tako da problema nije bilo.
I have folded this piece once again because I really like it and because it looks fabulous when made of two-sided patterned paper. I had to part with it as soon as I finished folding it because it was a gift for one very positive and creative person. I hope she liked it.
By the by, the model itself is not too difficult, although there are few points that require close attention and concentration. Luckily, the instructions in the book are excellent, so there was no problem to complete the work.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kutija sa pregradama / Partitioned box - Jun Maekawa

knjiga / book : "Genuine Origami"
autor / author : Jun Maekawa
izdavač / publisher : Nichibou Shuppan Sha 2007
jezik / language : Japanski / Japanese

Veverica / Squirrel - Jun Maekawa

knjiga / book : "Genuine Origami"
autor / author : Jun Maekawa
izdavač / publisher : Nichibou Shuppan Sha 2007
jezik / language : Japanski / Japanese

Monday, August 23, 2010

Miš / Mouse - Jun Maekawa

knjiga / book : "Genuine Origami"
autor / author : Jun Maekawa
izdavač / publisher : Nichibou Shuppan Sha 2007
jezik / language : Japanski / Japanese

Ovo je prvi model iz ove fantastične knjige. Nije preterano težak, a izgleda tako slatko!
This is the first model from Jun Maekawa's fantastic book. It is not too difficult to fold. And look just how cute it is!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Origami čestitke za venčanje / Origami wedding cards

Krajem aprla i početkom maja ove godine, dvojica mojih kolega sa posla (od koji je jedan moj šef) su se oženila. Za naš mali tim to je bilo stvarno nešto, i ja sam bila više nego srećna da se ponudim da napravim čestitke za oba događaja.
Odlučila sam da čestitke "začinim" tako što ću koristiti origami za njihovo ukrašavanje. Kao što verovatno već znate, origami ždralovi se često vide na venčanjima jer se veruje da donose sreću, pa su zbog toga ždralovi bili logičan izbor za ovu priliku. Drugi takođe logičan izbor je bilo i origami srce. Za pravljenje modela sam koristila specijalnu vrstu origami papira - yuzen chiyogami, koji je prelep i ima zanimljivu teksturu. Modeli koje sam napravila su bili tradicionalni ždral (prva čestitka) i simetrično srce od Matthew Gardiner (druga čestitka).
Mislim da su ove čestitke lep primer koliko je origami primenjiv i kako se mogu napraviti divne stvari istovremenom primenom različitih tehnika.
In late April and early May this year two of my colleagues from work (one of them my boss) got married. In our smallish team it was a very big deal and I was more than happy to offer to make cards for both of the occasions.
I've decided to give it a twist and use origami to ornate the cards. As you probably already know, origami cranes are frequently seen on weddings, because they are believed to bring happiness, and so the cranes were a very obvious choice to use on a wedding card. Heart was an obvious choice too. I've made the models from yuzen chiyogami paper, that is very beautiful and has great texture too. Origami models were traditional crane (card no.1) and balanced heart by Matthew Gardiner (card no.2).
I think that this is a nice example how origami can be used for many purposes and to create great projects by mixing different techniques.



i / and




Simetrično srce / Balanced heart - Matthew Gardiner (inspired by Francis Ow)

sajt / web site : Paper Crane
link :
autor / author : Origami Australia
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Ovo je simatičan model koji se pravi od papira pravougaonog oblika (polovina kvadrata). Veoma je lep i jednostavan.
This is a cute heart model made from a rectangular paper (half square). It looks nice and is pretty easy to fold.

Ždral / Crane - tradicionalni model / traditional

knjiga / book : "The Christmas origami kit"
autor / author : AnnMarie Harris
izdavač / publisher : Peter Pauper Press, Inc. 2006
jezik / language : Engleski / English
Ovo je tradicionalni ždral, verovatno najprepoznatljiviji i najrasprostranjeniji origami model. Za njega je vezana i priča o hiljadu ždralova o čemu možete pročitati više na OVOJ strani.
This is the traditional crane, probably the most recognizable and widely spread origami model. It is connected to the tale of thousand cranes, see HERE for more information.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

PHiZZ dodekaedar od 30 modula / PHiZZ 30-units dodecahedron - Thomas Hull


sajt / web site : Origami Mathematics
link :
autor / author : Thomas Hull
jezik / language : Engleski / English

Ovo mi je jedan od omiljenih origami modela - evo ga po treći put na mom blogu. Ovaj put sam ga napravila od prelepog papira sa cvetnim dezenom. Prethodna dva možete pogledati OVDE i OVDE.
This is one of my favorites - for the third time on this blog. This time made of beautiful flower patterned paper. Other two are HERE and HERE.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rozitina zvezda / Rosita's Star - Rosemary Lyndall Wemm

sajt / web site : Creative Creasings
autor / author : Rosemary Lyndall Wemm
jezik / language : Engleski / English

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A story of confusion and ignorance

It was near closing time, and seeing a book and stationery shop across the street, I've decided to try my luck once more that day.
Up to that point my effort to find origami supplies in an unfamiliar shopping center, in a foreign country, had been in wain (whenever I travel somewhere, I like to try to buy some origami supplies, both paper and books, 'cause language is not such an obstacle when it comes to origami books, and the odds are that the offer there will surely be better than at home where hardly any origami supplies are available).
From somewhere behind the counter emerged a grumpy lady, whom I've obviously distracted in eating her dinner. Still chewing, she greeted me, but her expression was unfriendly, slightly hostile even. But that expression was quickly transformed into bewilderment after I've asked her whether they sell origami paper: "Oregano paper? Nooo, I don't think we do." - " But, no, no, ORIGAMI paper.", I replied. This time I did my best to say the words clearly, although I was sure that I've said them clearly the first time too. After that, there was a pause, in which one could see on her face that she was struggling hard to get my meaning. She was obviously becoming more and more puzzled, so I've tried to explain: "Origami, you know, paper folding...?" But my try was in wain because her stare remained blank. She turned for help to someone still hidden behind the counter (I guess the other clerk was eating her or his dinner too) and asked "Do we have origami paper?" The answer, or rather the gesticulation, must have been negative because she turned to me and said: "No, we don't".
By that time it was more than clear that my luck in finding what I was looking for was not going to change, but I was not willing to let it go that easily: "OK, but do you perhaps have some origami books?"
Well, you can guess what the answer was...
And if you ask what the moral of this fable might be, I'd say that this is just a reminder to all of us origami lovers that there is still a lot of work in front of us in spreading the word and sharing our love and appreciation for this wonderful art.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Venac od dolarskih novčanica / Dollar Bill Wreath - Christine Edison

sajt / web site : Student Flotsam and Origami Jetsam
link :

autor / author : Christine Edison
jezik / language : Engleski / English

Venac je savršena dekoracija ze vreme novogodišnjih praznika. Ovaj venac se parvi iz 12 delova tj. modula koji su veoma jednostavni i lako se sastavljaju. Ceo venac se lako i brzo pravi, ali je istovremeno i vrlo dekorativan i jako mi se dopada. Pored svega ovoga, venac izgleda drugačije sa svake strane, pa tako imate dva različita venca u jednom modelu!
Kako mu ime kaže, ovaj venac bi trebao da se pravi od dolarskih novčanica. Za sve nas koji ih nemamo na raspolaganju, venac može da se napravi i od bilo kakvog papira odgovarajućih dimenzija (odnosno, kako sam pronašla na internetu, dimenzije koje su mi trebale su 156x66 milimetara). Ono što se ne vidi ako je venac napravljen od novčanica jeste to da se na jednoj od strana venca vide obe strane papira od kog su napravljeni moduli, što ga čini savršenim za pravljenje od papira čije su strane različitih boja.
Hvala autorki što je podelila ovaj slatki model sa nama!

Wreath is always a perfect decoration for the holiday season. This one is made of 12 modules that are very simple and lock easily. The whole wreath is very easy to make, but it is still very decorative and I just love the way it turned out. Moreover it looks different on each side, so you can have two different wreaths in one model!
The wreath, as its name states, is supposed to be folded from dollar bills. For all of us who don't have dollar bills, it can be made from any kind of paper cut in dollar bill dimensions (a little research online thought me that the dimensions I was looking for are 156x66 millimeters). One thing you won't see when using dollar bills is that one side of the wreath actually shows both sides of the paper that is used for folding the units, what makes this wreath a great candidate for use of double-sided paper.
Thanks to Christine Edison for sharing this lovely model with us!